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Experience the Power of a Confident Smile with Our Top-Quality Dental Implant Treatments


A Modern Dental Practice – Delivering Exceptional Patient-Centric Care, Understanding, and Innovation

We offer elevated standards of dental care to all our patients within the confines of our sleek, state-of-the-art surgery. We invite you to savour the exceptional standards of care and service in our tranquil setting as our proficient dental team looks after you. Our priority is you, your well-being, and fostering a lasting rapport with you.

Dental Implants

Quality Dental Implants, Promised to Bring a Smile to Your Face

We offer low-cost dental implants in Sydney, providing a lasting solution for missing teeth. Our dentists use top-tier dental implants made of titanium to create a rock-solid base by inserting the screw into the jawbone.

With advanced equipment and methodologies, our experienced team executes dental implant procedures. You can select from a variety of dental implants, and once fully stabilised, a crown is fixed onto the implant, seamlessly filling the gap and resembling natural teeth.

For affordable and successful dental implant treatments, trust our team of experienced professionals.

Smile Gallery

Post your dental implant procedure, imagine your smile could appear as follows:

Implants Coupled with Crowns and Bridge

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In this instance, the wear and tear pattern of the upper and lower teeth suggests that the patient might be a bruxer – a person who habitually grinds or clenches their teeth during sleep. The patient’s smile was restored using composite filling material, along with a removable denture to replace the missing tooth on the upper left.

While the ideal treatment would have included fixed prosthetics such as crowns, bridges, and veneers combined with implants, this was not a feasible option for the patient then. After all, there’s more to existence than just teeth.

Full Arch Dental Implants

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The patient began the treatment journey with an initial evaluation and planning phase. This was a critical step in ensuring a successful full arch dental implant procedure. The process involved securing a complete arch of artificial teeth to the patient’s jaw via multiple dental implants. These implants were strategically placed to maximise the available bone structure and ensure optimal function and aesthetics.

Throughout the procedure, careful precision was paramount to ensure the implants aligned perfectly with the patient’s natural bite and facial structure. This meticulous approach in implant dentistry proved critical in achieving a superior outcome that met the patient’s desires and long-term aspirations.

Individual Implants with Ceramic Crowns

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The initial phase of the patient’s treatment included bone grafting, paving the way for dental implant surgeries. The procedure incorporated 8 ceramic crowns across the different implant sites, designed to enhance the patient’s dental functionality and aesthetics.

The achievement of an exceptional outcome relied on the precision and predictability of the dental implants procedure. The final result served the patient’s anticipated outcome and long-term aspirations. The restored set of artificial teeth not only contributed to the patient’s oral health but also boosted their self-confidence.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


What Constitutes a Dental Implant Restoration?

A dental implant restoration is a complex procedure with several individual components that collectively replace missing teeth. These components come together to form an artificial tooth that works and appears just like a natural tooth.

The Individual Parts of a Dental Implant Restoration

The Implant: This is a titanium post surgically placed into the jawbone. It acts as a root for the artificial tooth. Over time, it fuses with the bone, providing a sturdy and durable base for the restoration.

The Abutment: This component is attached to the implant. It protrudes above the gum line and acts as a connector between the tooth implant and the prosthetic tooth.

The Crown: The crown or ‘cap’ is the visible part of the artificial tooth. It’s custom-made to match the shape, size, and colour of the patient’s natural teeth. The tooth crown is connected to the abutment and completes the dental implant restoration.

How Do I Maintain My Dental Implants?

Adequate care and maintenance of dental implants are vital for their longevity. Dental implant failure can be prevented with proper dental hygiene practices and regular dental visits.

Cleaning Your Tooth Implants

It is crucial to keep tooth implants clean to prevent bacterial build-up. Regular brushing and flossing are as important for your implants as they are for your natural teeth. An interdental brush can help clean the hard-to-reach areas around the implant.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental visits for professional cleanings and check-ups play a vital part in maintaining dental health and preventing potential issues. These visits are a good opportunity to review your oral hygiene practices and address any concerns.

Avoiding Damaging Habits

Avoid habits that can damage your tooth implants, like smoking and chewing hard foods. They can weaken the implant structure and lead to failure.

Am I a Suitable Candidate for Teeth Implants?

Importance of Jaw Bone Density

The jaw bone plays a crucial role in the success of dental implants. The implant requires a certain amount of bone for support. In instances where the jaw bone lacks the necessary thickness or density, a bone graft may be necessary before proceeding with dental implant placement.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle habits like smoking can affect the success of the implant procedure. Smokers may experience slower healing times and are at higher risk of implant failure.

Personal Commitment and Oral Hygiene Habits

Just like natural teeth, dental implants require consistent and careful oral hygiene to ensure their longevity. Potential candidates for dental implants should be willing to commit to meticulous oral hygiene practices, which include regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Those who may struggle with maintaining consistent oral care routines may need to consider this before pursuing dental implants.

What Factors Can Influence the Cost of Dental Implants?

Understanding the dental implant cost is vital before undergoing the procedure. There are several factors that influence dental implants cost, and each case is unique. Let’s explore six major elements that can affect the overall price tag of your dental implant procedure.

How Many Implants Are Needed?

The quantity of implants required is one of the most influential factors in determining the dental implants cost. A single implant will be considerably less expensive than a full-mouth restoration, which may require multiple implants. The cost increases not only due to the implants themselves but also because of the additional labour and time involved in placing multiple implants.

What is the Condition of Your Oral Health?

Your current oral health plays a significant role in the dental implant procedure’s complexity and, thus, its cost. If you’re suffering from conditions like gum disease or tooth decay, these problems will need to be taken care of before proceeding with implants, which adds to the total treatment cost. Furthermore, a healthy jawbone is necessary for implant placement. If the bone is weak or thin, bone grafting may be required, increasing the procedure’s cost.

What Materials Are Used?

The choice of materials for dental implants is an important factor affecting the total cost of the procedure. Implants are commonly crafted from titanium or zirconia, with the latter being slightly more expensive due to its durability and natural appearance. Similarly, the type of crown used (ceramic, porcelain, metal alloy) can affect the cost.

What Additional Procedures Are Needed?

In some instances, additional procedures may be needed before placing the implants, such as extractions, bone grafts, or sinus lifts. These procedures increase the overall cost because they require additional time, materials, and expertise.

Who is Performing the Procedure?

The dental professional’s expertise and experience performing the dental implant procedure can influence the cost. Experienced dentists might charge more due to their additional years of training and experience. However, keep in mind that while an experienced professional may charge more, they also often provide a higher success rate and better overall patient experience.

Where is the Dental Clinic Located?

Finally, geographic location plays a role in the cost of dental implants. Typically, dental procedures, including dental implants, cost more in urban areas compared to rural ones due to higher overhead costs.

Understanding these factors can help you better comprehend the potential cost of dental implants. It’s vital to have an open discussion with your dental professional about these elements and how they might influence your individual dental implant cost. Always remember that dental implants are an investment in your oral health and quality of life, providing a long-term solution for missing teeth. The benefits often outweigh the initial costs, making dental implants a worthwhile consideration for many people.

Are Dental Implants Procedures Accompanied by Discomfort?

One of the most common concerns surrounding dental implants is whether the procedure itself is painful. Understandably, the thought of having an implant surgically placed into the jawbone can be unsettling. However, it’s important to remember that dentists utilise effective methods to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

Typically, a local anaesthetic is administered to numb the area where the dental implant will be placed. This means that during the procedure, patients should not feel pain but rather some pressure or vibrations.

Post-procedure, as the anaesthesia wears off, some discomfort may be experienced. This could include minor swelling, bruising, and general soreness in the area where the implant was placed. Most patients find that pain relievers available over-the-counter are sufficient in managing this post-operative discomfort.

Follow-up appointments with your dental professional are crucial for monitoring the healing process and addressing any concerns you may have. The healing period differs from patient to patient, but most individuals return to their usual activities within a day or two.

What Is the Role of Dental Bridges in Cases Where Multiple Teeth Are Missing, and How Do They Work in Conjunction With Dental Implants?

In cases where multiple teeth are missing, dental bridges can be used in conjunction with implants. Dental bridges consist of multiple connected crowns, offering a functional and aesthetic solution for replacing missing teeth. The implant supports the bridge, filling in the gaps left by missing teeth.


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